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mortgage securities中文是什么意思

用"mortgage securities"造句"mortgage securities"怎么读"mortgage securities" in a sentence


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  • The cost and control of the home mortgage security
  • The birth of housing mortgage securities deeply changed the traditional housing financial mechanism and the function of financial intermediaries
  • Chinese banking stocks were hurt yesterday by speculation they will have to make much larger write - downs on their holdings of us subprime mortgage securities than originally thought
  • Finally , the thesis discusses mortgage transfer system and mortgage securities system based on laws and cases in foreign countries , and compares them with registration publication system using the methodology of value theory
  • Chapter two analyzes the causes of risks of the business from the perspectives of property developers , borrower , banks , mortgage security and regulatory and legal environment . chapter three introduces the best experience and practice in developed countries housing
  • The issue is discussed in four parts . part one : explaining means , process , and function of housing mortgage securitization , the kinds of mortgage securities , and discussing the prospect of housing mortgage securitization in china
用"mortgage securities"造句  
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